Monday, January 9, 2012

Hellooo, blogosphere!

Here I am.


Yeah, I'm still alive AND my fingers can still type!  

But how rude of me-- how have all of YOU been?

I apologize for my absence, but my life has changed just a little bit lately.  
And yes, some of you have noted that some previous blog posts are now MIA. 'Tis true. I removed them. I had a momentary internet/privacy freak out spazz moment and undid them. Which is really too bad since they were pretty good and had pics! But alas, it was the right thing to do.

So, as many of you clever Nancy Drews may have already deduced--

I'm. Dating. Someone.

Wow. That even just looks weird, right?  
But yeah, that's what seems to be happening.  
It's been a slow progression but I'm pretty smitten.  
And, as many funny stories I've had about this one along the way, I just feel that writing about him is a violation.  Hell, I'd be mortified if he found this chronicle of my insanity at all, but at least he can't judge for things I did before I knew he existed, agreed?  But finding me writing about him would surely be a deal-breaker and not one I'm willing to risk.  

However, this all begs the question: 

Now what?!

I don't really see the need to "shut down" this blog.  And, I've really enjoyed telling my ridiculous stories and hearing your feedback and commentary. So, why stop?

I'm not gonna!

I plan on continuing, but it will probably be more of my:
-random musings 
-love of shopping
-any/all beauty products

PLUS, I'd really love this to evolve into some sort of dating forum.

You know, you write me (anonymously if you like) any questions or even just rants about the idiocy of men and the pain that is dating them, and I will respond within the blog.

How fun does that sound??!

I'm on board if y'all are.  So, holla at a sista, would ya?

{missed you}



  1. AWESOME. Congratulations! Do what you will, I'll keep reading either way.

  2. Sounds great, I will definitely keep reading. I think your best flirting advice would be a great place to start! Oh, and congratulations!

  3. That's FABULOUS idea for a first topic. I love it! Stay tuned...

  4. I have to say, some friends and I found your blog through MIM and we all agree that you are our version of Carrie Bradshaw. We don't care if you are dating, single, or living in Iowa - we want to hear about your adventures:-)

  5. I'm SO glad you're not ending this blog! I've been an avid reader from day one (date one?). AND as of November, I'm single-after almost 4 years of coupledom. The idea of a dating forum is fantastic! I'll be taking part, for sure! (I don't even KNOW how to date, really. It's going to be an interesting year. . .)
    And I understand not wanting to freak out this guy by posting about him- but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will eventually get some info/pics/stories! :)

  6. Lindsey as a middle aged happily married woman I love your blog! I am so happy for you and will continue to read your blog because I love your great fashion, advice and your adventures! Good luck in this new chapter of your life.

  7. Ooh, more beauty products/ grooming advice. PleaseAndThankYou!

    p.s. congrats!! happy you found someone special :)

  8. Congrats, girl! You're doing the right thing, both by not writting about him, and by continuting the blog!

  9. HoneylovebugLINDZ, am so so so happy for you. Now you have to bring him around so I can judge him. HA! Love you, drinkies soon xxD
