Monday, November 1, 2010

Dating Story #13, a lesson in Halloween: the GREATEST pick-up night of life.

Oh, Halloween.  You sexy beast!
I'm sure I've heard throughout the years that Halloween is a great night to be single, but seeing as I have not been single on Halloween since 2001, I guess I forgot.  I don't think I ever will again.  Not that I'm ever inhibited, or afraid to go up and talk to pretty much any guy, but a Halloween costume is an INSTANT way in.  A ready-made conversation starter.  I mean Halloween should really happen at least THREE times a year!

I was weighing my options for what to do that night and nothing seemed to appealing, until I got invited to see a band. Yes, it was out in Brookland.  BUT- the concert?  Mr. Brownstone, "the world's drunkest tribute to Guns n' Roses."  IN!

And, even though it was a ton of my couple'd friends going, I said I'd be delighted to be the 13th wheel.  Luckily (for me), Ay informed me she broke up with her bf and needed Halloween plans STAT. I told her I was fairly certain an inebriated Axl look-alike was scientifically proven to be a break-up cure, so she hauled her cookies in from Philly to wing-woman me.  But what would she wear?  No worries, Ay. I have costumes stored up for just such emergencies.
Cue Delinquent Cheerleader and her friend, Trailer Trash! *I'd like you to also note that I've had both of these outfits since high school. Thanks.

We had a blast at the show and befriended many a stranger.  Ay feared her white T get-up and intermittent hair rollers may hinder any gentleman callers, but a certain hot Ghostbuster dispelled that worry early on.  
Then, it was my turn to make a friend. He was rockin' out next to us and somehow he and I got involved in making paper airplanes out of giant faux $100 bills and launching them into the crowd. Talk about an ice-breaker!  We'll call this one Slick. I should mention that it's also kind of bizarre to meet someone for the first time when wearing a black wig, goth makeup, cheerleader outfit and fishnets, but apparently that was all working for Slick. Yet certain worries arise, ie. what if he doesn't like me without the wig or hoochie hose?  Luckily the vat of beer I undoubtedly downed over the course of the night made me quickly not care. And get this- Slick is AA!  Can y'all believe it?!  He's 39. Of course he's also a smidge lacking in the height department, but he's smart, hilarious and actually knows how to kiss a girl!  HALLELUJAH, the repugnant kisser streak is broken!!! 
After the show, Slick joined me and Ay to bar hop on the LES.  And...maybe we passed by 'inoteca and maybe I stalked Teca a little bit. I usually don't even allow myself to look in when I walk by there, so he doesn't think I'm some crazy psychostalker, but Halloween night, incognito in a wig and cheerleader outfit? Yeah, I pretty much STARED into that window.  I don't think I saw him, but it was just nice to have the option to stalk without getting caught.
After traipsing through several awful bars, we moved our trip back to my apt for a dance party.  Oh, and after Slick smooched me in one of the bars, he held my hand for the whole night.  It was sweet. During our dance party, I removed my wig to test the waters, but luckily Slick was still buyin' what I was sellin'.  Ay passed out on the couch in half her white T costume, which was quite hilarious when she woke up that way.  And...Slick and I had a lil' slumber party/spoon-fest and it was really quite lovely. Especially when when he woke up and exclaimed "Holy hangover, Batman!"  If you can make my cranky-ass laugh in the morning, you are doing something very right.  And, my whole family and every roommate I've ever had can attest.
I'd have loved to sleep the day away but I had to drag myself to a good friend's bday brunch on the UWS.   Wanna know the only thing worse than the subway + a hangover?  The subway + hangover + live mariachis.  
¡Aye dios mios!

Lesson:  Always be single on Halloween. 


  1. AY can attest this was trully the best Halloween EVER! I was disappointed however to not see any Chilean Minors strolling the streets of NYC in blue blockers and hardhats, I thought that was SUCH a good idea. What was most shocking was that despite my borrowed white trash outfit, we managed to add yet another accessory by plugging in a string of toilet paper trail from my rear, I'd say about 5 ft in length (yes people stopped me to make sure I was aware). It remained largely in tact for most of the evening, with a little leftover to help remove the eye makeup I found pleasently plastered to my face the next morning. GO EY, I agree, singledom on Halloween is a MUST.

  2. Love LOVE this post, and I could not agree more!

  3. ha! this bloggy doesn't disappoint. woot!

  4. I WISH my Halloween experience could have been half-so kiss-alicious! Thanks for always putting a smile on my face with your posts - nice to know that dating in this city is just one..."adventure" after another for each of us!

  5. Ha ha! You wouldn't believe this, Lindsey. I actually met my wife at a party, and she was also wearing one of those Motown Tress wigs that time! And the best part about this is that she didn't admit it right away. She only did when I was already head over heels for her! By that time, her hair has grown back, so it wasn't an issue for me. Funny, right? That's why whenever I see women's wigs, I melt with so much love for my wife.
